Friday, 7 August 2015

I Can Do This Without Kickstarter

This blog post will be an advert but it's okay, since I am advertising me. I can't be more or less honest than that.

I have spent the last nine years of my life working as an EFL teacher. I did not do a great job. I showed up and was on occasion creative, enthusiastic and energetic but let's be honest. I am not happy being a teacher. I am certainly not happy taking orders from someone else. I felt I needed a change.

I started to cook. I was fat, I was feeling useless, I hated what I was eating. I started to cook to change all of that. I slowly got better and I realised I was both good at this but more importantly, I really enjoyed it. I wanted to learn more, I wanted to improve myself. I had always been either mystified or more honestly, mocking of people who wanted to improve themselves. Suddenly, I was one of them.

Soon, I had a solid base of recipes and I wanted to make this hobby my profession. Working as a teacher in Korea allowed me the time to improve the business side of things. It allowed me to find out if this really was a commercially viable option. It also allowed me to digest feedback. My menu improved, my portions and bite sizes became human sized, as opposed to designed for trolls. I have a big mouth and apparently, not many other people do. 

I named my business Bouche Delivery. Bouche as in the French for Mouth , as 'oh my days you're delicious get in my mouth!' Also, I think Bouche is the sound of something awesome happening. People agreed. So, my clientele base grew and grew. Friends referred me to friends of friends, and then complete strangers knew me by reputation, and I delivered on that reputation. My sales at the local monthly market went exceedingly well. I was in my element, selling to people things I truly believed in. Healthy, nutritious, delicious, filling food.

Now I am leaving for South Africa and I am going to make this business my sole earner. It is exciting and terrifying and it could obviously all go tits up. I have looked at the demographic, I have looked at the marketing opportunities, I have written out my business plan and I have done my cost/benefit analyses. This can work.

I just need money.

I don't want to get a loan from a bank. I have a terrible credit history from when I was 18 and stupid. Also,  don't really trust large institutions running my monetary affairs and i would rally rather avoid it. I don't want to go to my family since, well, they're old and their money should now be spent on hallucinogens and holidays in Vegas.

That leaves you, my dear reader. I want your money.

I want ten thousand dollars. That gets me the kitchenware I need, the car to deliver the food and the start up to make the meals. So, if ONE HUNDRED PEOPLE PLEDGE ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, I am there.

Don't worry, I have a pretty good deal for you. For one hundred dollars pledged I will give you :

One week's stay in my house in South Africa. This will include either a breakfast or a dinner cooked by Bouche Delivery everyday. Accommodation would be a great deal more, around fifty bucks a night in a budget B and B,so next time you are planning a trip, you know you'll be in a safe, beautiful,serene setting for only one hundred dollars.furthermore, you get to hang out with me and my family, and honestly who would not want that?

That is what I am offering.

If you are interested. and want to know more, be it a business plan, references from satisfied customers from the past three years, or anything else, please email me on

I thank you for your time and look forward to having you stay with me.


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