Wednesday, 15 May 2013

30 Days : Day Three

Well, yesterday was day three. I would say there was no particularly dramatic moments. I noticed one other thing about me on Day Two I didn't mention. When in a cab, I have been a dick. This might have been funny when I was younger. I think it makes other people uncomfortable now. The fact is, I  think I am better than a lot of the Koreancab drivers. Not a better human being. I think I can drive more efficiently. I can see the changes in flow of traffic quicker than they can. This is going back to that whole getting a concept quicker than other people, then being frustrated by having to wait for them. Well, that usually manifests itself in wanting cabbies to run red lights or break the rules. ANything to shave thirty seconds off my travel time. Nikki was recently in a cab accident and my best friend in Korea had a car crash herself. I think I should look at thos warning signs and Be More Patient.

I had a little beer with dinner and no cigar. These are not things I generally miss during the week. I was on that Facebook messenger ASAP. I miss people a lot. I like it when people ramble on about random shit. I like being a part of that . It is camaraderie. It is welcoming. I hate finding out people are having a party and they have not invited me, especially when they invite so many others from my circle.  Firstly that shows up in my feed repeatedly. Way to shove it in my face. Secondly, to invite one person sends off shoots of thought in your brain. There is association . SO my name did come up in thoughts but was then rejected. That is disturbing.

I wanted to watch a poker show last night and Nikki reminded me I am not doing that anymore. I got angry for a moment. Then I remembered I did say that. Nikki is being really supportive of me. She is not being enabling supporting but rather the gentle but firm lady that makes me love her more and more.  So I ended up watching Russian kids doing Parkour and QI. Talk about not helping! Watching physical and mental specimens so far out of my league. How is that supposed to make me feel? Actually, I loved the shows.

Cigars = 0
Alcohol -= <1 pint of beer
money spent = 8,800 on lunch, 1100 on bus, 1300 on chocolate (for Nikki)

Things I amtrying to change at this point:
Quit Gambling
Quit Smoking
Slow Drinking Down
Find a New Hobby
Be More Patient

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