Thursday, 30 May 2013


Okay. Thought I would write something today. I am in the middles of so many different things that if I don't take note of them they will be finished and there will be no record of their existence. Not that it matters. This is not actual man walks on moon history. This will not make it to a child's textbook but whatever.

I'm about to perform the play Cock, written by Mike BArtlett. It's a funny, sharp play and I am glad I only have the smallest part. Some of the monologues are vicious long. We perform on Saturday and Sunday and then I am probably going to leave the Theatre Troupe.  The inidividuals involved are jolly nice people but....Stevie and Ed. Man I miss those guys. So after this, I am going to take a massive step backwards. I'll finish wriitng the TEFL play and palm it off on someone else to direct. I do not think a lot of people will notice. He says typing it on a blog read by thousands around the world.

I am procrastinating about my CV and cover letter. I need to find time to do it. Here is time and I am writing this blog instead. Well, that is what procrastination is, isn't it? The cover letter I got from my friend as an example blew me away. It made me realize how my TEFL teaching has taken a pounding from from consecutive Hagwan teaching standards. It's embarrassing to think of my teaching philosophy.

I am nearing the end of 30 days of reflection.  SO many small things happened that were not noteworthy on their own merits but there has been a trend. A trend of recognition. Spotting something to do with gambling. A TV show having a gmabling scene, or dialogue involving going to the casino.  Finding old one dollar chips in my bedroom. Youtube still insisting I want to watch old WSOP episodes. I have not clicked on them. I have gotten Swishled tipsy a couple of times but have felt no inclination to go running off tot he casino. I have made it through phase one of economic recovery phase two is the next forty days on 700,000 won. A piece of piss if I do not piss it away.

Working at  my school is interesting still. I love my children. THey are super fun. I like writing questions because yes, it is boring and it does hurt my fingers to type all day. At least it gives me prupose, money, accomadation, food.  Plus, my school is chill enough to let me go out to get my own food and eat in in the school hours. I took a bottle of rum in my backpack o give to my friend yesterday. It smashed in my bag when i put it down on the floor. MY school stunk of rum. I explaned the situation to my bosses and they smiled and said 'okay.' That is frankly awesome. My life is not perfect, nobody's is, but mine could certainly be a lot worse.

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