When contemplating the summertime, people in Korea relish the opportunity to, you know, really
do something with their weekends. And when it comes to weekend activities Korea is Instagrammingly awesome. As ever, with these moments there is a right way and a wrong way. And, as ever, I have lists these impeccably. Honestly, at this stage of the game I am nailing it harder than a hammer. A Hebrew Hammer, if you will.
Ha, remember when I did sports? No, me neither. |
Going to a Sports Event
Do - at this stage all the ex pat leagues have shut down, are shutting down or should be shut down. Not permanently guys, just until next season. Luckily Daegu's bevy of sports franchises mean you can go to a game and watch professionals play the game you play, albeit with maybe a little less style or alcohol.
Unless this guy comes back from the dead. |
Me and my friends. |
An action shot of said sporting event. |
Book your seats in advance, budget time and money, and you are almost guaranteed great memories that will be best expressed by facebooking endless photos of you and your friends' faces in some kind of stadium over and over and over again. Make sure to include one fuzzy image of said sportsman doing nothing in particular. Now all your friends will be jealous.
Don't- As far as you are concerned, these overpaid hacks are embarrassing the noble game of baskbaseultisoftballs you have been championing for the last however many Sundays it took for you to lose in the first round playoffs to that bullshit team made up of probable semi pros who grew up together inventing the game.
Cue a joke about Chris Keeler and Paul Groba getting angry. |
As your combination of rage, depression, loss and sense of victimization swirl together in a cocktail of sweaty shitty beer and sweatier, shittier soju, remember this. You are a paying fan, and paying fans are expected, nay
obligated to tell players how, why and when they suck. Combine this with good acoustics, lack of English being spoken and small crowd turnout, you can really get inside that foreign player's head. Take the time to google everything about him and remind him of his failures as a husband/lover/student/mariachi, as well as reminding him his career has almost certainly not ended up the way he hoped. The tears, they will taste so good.
So, so good. |
Hiking -
Do- check the weather on this one. Dress appropriately. Bear in mind snakes happen after rain. I assume because the raindrops allow them to go freestyling down the slopes. I don't know. I hate snakes.
Look at that evil bastard. |
Anyway, go early, so you really enjoy those views of tiny cities, or farmland. Take photos, to prove you are totally into this thing. Health, or whatever. I don't know. Health, snakes, same same. Make sure you see that giant Buddha/stone/monastery. Yep, holy introverts went out of their way to plant that shit right out if the way. So you better find them and take pics. Holy pics.
"Seriously, is this guy just going film us praying? Because I need to fart and the bubbles are bad enough...." |
Oh, and take food and drink. Do not be the guy in the group who 'forgets' and makes everyone give one bite of their food. It is awkward for everyone. I apologize again to the Apsan Tour of 2011.
Don't - This hiking seems to be like walking. Walking upwards through trees. It doesn't seem that hard. Step things up a notch. Get to the mountain a day earlier than everyone else. As we all know, hiking is strictly set between certain hours probably. Rig the mountain with
just the right amount of landmines. Pay one class of middle school children to don war paint and teach them how to use bows and arrows.
Obviously not this bitch. She just hides. Like a bitch. |
Release a crazy dude with a chainsaw and a motion tracker. Any of these are good. However, whatever you do, wait until your friends are halfway up before you tell them your game changing plan. At the end of the day, as you shiver in a combination of fear and exposure, hiding next to the last monk standing in the shell of a burned out monastery, remember this. I
t's not hiking if no-one dies. I learned that from Predator.
Should have stayed in Office, Dude-anator. |
Going to Seoul
Do - Don't.
Don't - Do.
You're welcome. |
Enjoying Some Culture
Do - oh my days, Korea is full of culture. And I'm not talking that Frasier Crane, sniff but don't swallow malarkey either.im talking soju wine tasting, bull fighting, herbs and medicine, mask making hootenannies. I'm just saying rednecks and Koreans are probably related. And doing each other
Pictured, Evidence. |
. Enjoy doing the cheesy, rural bumpkin stuff. What are you, too good for a hay cart ride? You're probably from London, aren't you? Or New York. Or somewhere else where your heart has died. Well, compare fifteen different ginseng infusions and tell me your soul did not just leap up for joy.
Every single person in this pic is living the dream, people. |
Don't - approach Korean culture the same way you approach a crazy old lady. Open arms, smiling, yet be cautiously aware she could have a brick in her handbag. In fact, approach like you ARE a crazy old lady.
Nailed it. And by it, I mean two out of three of these got some Hebrew Hammering. The chick said no. |
These ladies seem to get deals and discounts and front of the line privileges. I say dress up like one and enjoy your day out, first class Gangnam style. A moment for my writing as I reference such clichéd tedium. Allow your inner ajumma out. Elbow anyone you like, especially, and this is the best part, other ajummas.
AJUMMA FIGHT! My money is on the garishly dressed one. |
Get first dibs on the fairground rides. Refuse to pay for anything shouting "He stole my money!" and point at literally anyone. Finally, insist on getting someone else to give up their seat. In the bathroom.
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