Phone Noir.
The day began as ever, with hazy recollection of the night before.There had been Soju. I knew that. There had been shouting and finger pointing. There was always those things with Soju.
There had been boasting. Manly boasting. Big man boasting. Anthony talking about his big brown beauty. Nick talking about his woman and how they liked playing with her magic hole. Jeremy and how his could light up his whole life. And I was jealous, gorram it. Jealous like a fox. And I said the stupidest thing ever.
"Fine. I'll get a phone as well."
I swore I would never get a phone again, not after last time. I swore I would never go back. I made a promise to myself, to my lady... Damn.
She might leave me if I got back into that world. I walked away from all of that. And now I was going to go back into the Lion's Den.
I scribbled a note. "Gone shopping. Back soon." The sin of omission weighed heavy like an Eskimo woman's nipple in the dead of winter. I pulled out my bag and felt the cold steel inside. History repeating. I strapped the holster and checked my magazines were still oiled.
I hate shopping for phones.
I walked to SK towers. I hoped I could avoid seeing him. There was enough blood poured on the pavement every day. I did not want to add to it, one way or the other. The towers had three phone shops. Get in, get the phone get out. Avoid the smartphones. Avoid the contracts. Avoid getting contracted. Avoid him. But the world has spun. The corner qook store, deserted. The subway KTF, nothing more than whitewashed windows. The roadside LG, nothing but a pair of massage chairs left in the place. Someone had squealed. Someone ratted me out.
He knew I was coming. He knew I was coming for a phone.
I tried. I went to Beomeo. I wanted to not go to that place again. I would do anything to avoid that place. I could not risk letting my inner beast unleash. I went to Dunkin and got my Cuppa Joe and a cream cheese beigel. The girl seemed so innocent.
"Do you know where I could buy a phone around here?"
"Oh no, sorry. No phone stores here, David."
She knew my name. Dammit! I felt a cold sweat, I wanted to pull the piece there and then and let hellfire take us all. Get a grip. That's what he wants you to do. I smiled and walked away. I looked next door where the Olleh Superstore put paid to her lies, put the punch line to his joke.
Well, shit, two can play this game.
I walked into the superstore and walked up to the prepay counter. The two salesmen looked at me uneasily. I looked at them hard and long like something pornographic. I sauntered over to one of the plastic desks and sat down. I slowly ate my beigel letting crumbs fall on their floor. They looked at the floor, the ceiling, one of them even started to gorram dust the counter. I chewed my last mouthful then stood up suddenly. They dove behind the counter. Pussies. Then again, this was never in their pay grade. They thought it would all be shiny suits and grabbing girls off the street. They didn't think I would ever be back. I thought about making an example of them. Then I remembered my mission. I wouldn't have enough bullets as it was.
I walked to the door , my silhouette fill the room.
"Tell him I'm coming."
The subway ride was exactly as expected. The carriage cleared as I sat down, two ajoshis staring at me from the exits.
I stared dead ahead. History repeating. Get the phone. Get out. No contracts. No 4G. No more blood than absolutely necessary. Banwoldang music playing like a bagpipe of retribution. I got up and tipped my hat to the old men. They shook their heads in amazement.
"You crazy bastard, I hope you live," their blank gazes seemed to say. Up into the sub mart. Twin Ollehs marked their territory here. I knew it was futile. I knew it was only sucking time from a vacuum. I knew I wouldn't just do what he wanted. I walked into one and could feel the eyes from the salesmen from the other store throwing daggers. I knew I couldn't be long. My stoic outward appearance belied the manic laughter in my soul. The monster was coming out of its cage. I approached the counter.
"Hi, my son needs a phone. We're looking for one of them iPhone Sixes with the Darth Vader hyperzoom big screens, bi enough to take a picture of the moon at scale. It's gotta have retina control, remote control, raisin control. You hear me, I want it to control raisins!"
"Um, no English ."
"Sure, I hear ya, I hear ya. How about one of them satellite phones? I'm talking Vietnam, drop the rain!"
The unmistakable sound of lacquered leather shoes running made me smile at the poor boy. His friends were coming to save him. Only thing, who was going to save them?
I grabbed the boy and dragged him over the counter. I dragged him out to the fountain forecourt and threw him towards his five compadres. They skidded to a stop on the tiled floor. One fell in the fountain.
"Boys, we can do the easy way or the -" I began.
They screamed and ran at me. I smiled. Okay then. The really easy way.
The blood washed well enough away. The ajummas' screams would take longer. Focus. Just get the phone. I walked past the police station. They were closed. Figured. They would not want to get involved in this. Not on this day. Not after last time.
Phone street. Son of a bitch. My own hell cycle. Shop after shop after shop all run by the man, an army of ill fitting shiny suits and polo shirts. A cacophony of K-Pop. They all walked out of their shops and they carried enough to drop King king. All this for little old me. And then he came through them.
Damn The Man. He smoked his skinny cigarette like a Korean movie gangster, that is to say, like a geek sucks on a strawberry milkshake. He smiled his oh so cool little smile. "He thinks he won," I thought. "He might be right," a thought betrayed. "You're old. You might be too old to do all this again." "Shut up, brain. I have no time for you."
"David, it is good to see old customers again." Strawberry milkshake sucking. "I thought we agreed it would be better if you didn't come here again. You chose your phone. How is she?"
I smiled, masking my grimace. Hiding my torment. Stuck in WiFi purgatory, a mask of perfection hiding the grim inoperative reality.
"I want a phone. No reason to lose anymore of your boys".
"We have many fine Korean smartphones. Pick one. We have great two year contracts. Do you have your alien registry card?" The Man started to laugh. His men started to laugh. Dammit. The beast was already out. Oh well.
"I don't want your skinny breakable pieces of shit that last two hours fully charged. I want a brick. I want a solid piece of European fashion. I want twelve hours at ten per cent. I want to play Snake and feel the luxury. I want a gorram Nokia 3210."
The guns slid into my palms and the weight felt so good.
"And no contracts!"
....I don't know how much time passed. Hours, minutes, seconds, microns. All I knew as I limped away blood coagulating around my calf, the smoke tearing my eyes, the screams pinging through my ruptured ear drums, all I knew was this.
You couldn't change the situation. This is phone town, Jack.
But I got my phone.